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Daily Reading

The Bible has information that can help us through our daily lives, so I post a Daily Reading to help those who seek to include that message in their lives....
Daily Reading:

The Bible's message is a guidebook to help us through our daily lives. In it's pages we find inspiration, faith, life lessons, and the guidelines to help us all become better people through faith....

<--------Simply click on the picture to take you to the Reading of the day...



Saint of the day:

The Lives of the Saints have many morals, tales of strength, faith, and devotion that can help inspire us throughout our daily lives.  Many of these Saints are known, but many are UNKNOWN to most....I try to bring the lives of Saints into OUR lives so we too can share in both their faith, and their stength in that faith...


<-----Simply click the picture to view today's "Saint of the Day"

© Scottish Order of Saint Margaret, Friars Mendicant (TOSF) /  @Pacific Life Church  

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